Blessed be your name... in a land that is plentiful - where your streams of abundance flow...blessed be your name. Blessed be your name... when I'm found in the desert place...though I walk through the desert place...blessed be your name.
Every blessing you pour out I'll turn back to praise when the darkeness closes in Lord ... still I will say blessed be your name
Blessed be your name - when the sun shining down on me -- when the worlds all as it should be Blessed be your name - Blessed be your name on the road marked with suffering when there's pain in the offering blessed be your name.
I started a painting piece and felt inspired to change to this one. (A specific song for a specific person) That song speaks to me about remembering God in the good times and the bad. This song speaks to me about trusting that He has all things in control and will work all things to the good. ...He gives and takes away -- my heart will choose to say "Lord Blessed be your name"
Sometimes when there is affluence we forget God but today I thank you Lord for the doors that you have opened and for the ones you have closed also....
Margie, this is one of the liveliest and most beautiful paintings of yours that I have seen. Thank you for painting it and posting it. I'm so glad it's going in the auction. And I wish you had prints to sell! I would totally buy one!
Hi Margie,
We appreciate your sending documentation of your art works for us for view. You are progressing in what the Lord is giving you to paint and we rejoice in your obedience. This work is speaking in spirit and in truth. Keep moving forward, for this is evidence that the Lord is with you!
Servants for the kingdom,
Steve and Leanne
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