A few years ago, I was taught a valuable lesson by a mentor of mine. The lesson is this: take whatever you are feeling in a particular situation and say "Lord if I give you this -- what will you give me in exchange?" He will speak something amazing to you - that always brings freedom and liberation to your spirit. It never fails - I guarantee it! It works for loneliness, for insecurity, for sadness and disappointment - It works for every situation. Jesus takes our hearts -- whatever we offer -- compartment by compartment.
As an artist, the opinions of others have swayed me too easily. Why is it that I do not hear the compliments and only retain the critical words spoken. I can be painting and conversations come to my mind of negative words spoken years earlier - but not the compliments. I have been struggling ...I struggle with the fear of failure and the fear of success. (Which basically leaves me stuck where I am at)
I prayed, Lord if I give you this fear what will you give me in exchange? God spoke softly to me that he would give me obedience and that if I would walk in obedience and take the steps toward what I feel called to do ... then all of heaven would back me!
How empowering is that?
So here I am back at my easel - thinking like about what to paint.