This painting is intended to represent our hearts being washed clean by the blood of Jesus. It was painted at Harvest city church in October during the singing.
When I was praying about what to paint, this picture flashed through my mind. I thought to myself "forgiveness" but I heard the Lord say no "Atonement".
I researched the word Atonement in the old testament text and whenever that word was used it meant: To cover over and in some cases it meant to cover over with pitch-- but always to cover over.
In the new testament (after Jesus death) it means only one thing. "an exchange" -- like a business transaction -- something is given something is taken away. Sin is taken away not just covered over. Forgiveness is given and we can have clean hearts because of Jesus sacrifice. Everyone can have it - we just have to ask.
(I found out later that it was painted during the Atonement time period of the Jewish calander - to God be the glory - He is the God of detail and of purpose)
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