Thursday, September 13, 2007


In June, God spoke to my heart and said "This summer I am going to show you the meaning of success"
I've always felt drawn to the arts and would love to see my skill level increased. I believe being an artist is a "Calling" to be used for the good.

Over the summer, I took time to be with other artists and I found that there is a contentment that comes when a person walks in their gifting - and there is a passion that comes that is comparable to an engine on a locomotive ... and others just want to get on board with what you are doing.

Success is living your dreams - rich or poor!
I've also realized the greatest quencher to creativity is unforgiveness and worry. So letting go of offenses and believing for the best -- I have set out to do what I am called to do - Art!

Below I have attached art works that are being sold to raise money for Uganda, East Africa.
Please spread the word...

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