This is a quick painting I did for Sunday worship.
(not about skill -all about the message)
(not about skill -all about the message)
If you were to read this verse it would be "Call unto me and I will answer thee, and show thee great and might things which thou knowest not." Jeremiah.33:3.
I felt in my heart to do it in text --like phone text as a message to this generation that God wants to communicate with us.
In my mind I was emphasizing the word "call" but I heard the Lord say concentrate on the word "Answer" -- Everybody calls on their god but I am the God that answers. (Answers in the original text means He sings, He testifies , He responds and He dwells with us which is cool in itself --knowest not mean secrets /mysteries he wants to tell us)
I felt in my heart to do it in text --like phone text as a message to this generation that God wants to communicate with us.
In my mind I was emphasizing the word "call" but I heard the Lord say concentrate on the word "Answer" -- Everybody calls on their god but I am the God that answers. (Answers in the original text means He sings, He testifies , He responds and He dwells with us which is cool in itself --knowest not mean secrets /mysteries he wants to tell us)
I started to paint in the background and I was thinking angels. But I heard the Lord say "Great cloud of witnesses" which is the heros of the Bible that have died and now cheer us on in the heavenlies. The great cloud of witness also are the ones who have prayed and have documented answers to prayer. Daniel in the Lion's den, the Red sea parting, David & Goliath, the fire of God igniting the altar of Baal when they called down fire and Baal didn't answer....the list goes on and on...and I have some of my own to tell should anyone ask.
Our God answers~ just call Him.