When I was asked to paint a picture for the family in remembrance of Emma. I was quite nervous considering what the emotions might be at this time. I prayed about it and the idea of a lily of the valley came to my mind. The lily of the valley is so fragrant, pure and one of my favorites.
With some research, I found that it is said to be: the whitest of all flowers and it grows in the shade. It is known for its roots system that can endure tough circumstances and still survive. The plant is also believed to contain a chemical substance that stimulates the heart . It's my prayer that you would feel your heart being strengthened to carry on with God's help.
It is said that the lily of the valley symbolic meaning is "tears of a mother" as Mary cried when Jesus died. I pray that you would find God's comfort in knowing others have felt what you are feeling and that your not alone.
The flower represents the phrase "you made my life complete" and symbolically "the return of happiness" In this, I pray that you would find hope restored with God's help. (inside the butterfly is Emma's name hidden)
Julie recieving the picture with these comments:
Thank you Margie, it was such a blessing and turned out way better than I had invisioned. I gave it to them tonite as we had a family supper here. There were many people around so they didn’t say much but I know the picture will always speak to them. My sister cried when she saw it and read your note. She said that Jenny had just picked the name for her future baby girl 'Lilly' so this really impacted my sister. Jenny & Steve just said thank you to me, but inside I know they will treasure this painting. God Bless you as you give to others in this special gift!! julie
...I say to God be the Glory!
...I say to God be the Glory!