Today, I had such an interesting day. I am trying to be more obedient to the voice of Holy Spirit. (working on it) I think God is easing me into it. Anyways I was walking through the mall at lunch break and I saw a lady struggling in a wheel chair - I walked by and the Holy Spirit said "Are you going to walk by and leave her to struggle" So I turned around and asked if I could give her a push to a store -- she agreed that would be good. Then later I saw her again and I asked her if she need another push and she was so thankful. She mentioned that she was recently put in a chair and was diagnosed with Parkinson disease and was struggling getting around. I told her I would pray for her and she said "Are you a Christian--- I said yes -- Are you? She said she was - so I asked "when you say you are a Christian do you mean that you have asked Jesus in your heart -- She said she got saved in 1984. We exchanged names and hope to meet again.
Honestly that situation totally touched my heart - isn't it cool that God with cross our paths and we both left encouraged.