In the last two art classes I have taken. The teachers have made this statement "just spend 10 minutes thinking about this ..."
I found it kind of strange I admit - because one lady spent 10 minutes with her apple tree and another person spent 10 minutes with a birds nest (yikes) ...but I realized that exercise really works. If you take the time and look at something for 10 minutes or more the right brain automatically overrides the left. Sensory over logic.
On the nature trails by the lake yesterday - I noticed a group of pelicans. My left brain was saying "Don't stop you will be late for work. I was thinking about all the task awaiting ... my right brain said "Stop!!! You may never get this chance again" When I sat for awhile, I was truly fascinated. There were 35 pelicans going about their business like an intense rugby tournament. A number of them were scrambling for the same fish. Dive bombing and tackling each other. Others were in flight -- while others glided away from the action. They were so graceful & so beautiful.
In a very short time they will fly away to a quieter area and I would have missed it completely.
I sensed the Holy spirit saying "what if we spent 10 minutes with our God and his word" Just stopping and being still. Senses over logic...What would we see?